
The cantonal authorities – in most cases, the local cantonal VET office – are responsible for supervising classroom instruction at VET schools, apprenticeship training at host companies and branch courses at branch training centres.

This supervision is accompanied by the provision of advice and assistance to the parties to the apprenticeship contract and the coordination of work carried out by VET partners.

Supervision of the classroom instruction mainly concerns:

  • the quality of the classroom instruction;
  • the advice and assistance of the school commissions and administrations with regard to educational, psychological, economic and legal issues.

Supervision of apprenticeship training mainly concerns:

  • compliance with legal provisions;
  • compliance by the parties with their obligations under the apprenticeship contract;
  • the quality of apprenticeship training, including branch courses and other similar learning locations;
  • examinations and other qualifications procedures.

The persons responsible for supervision may take action within a host company at the request of a VET school, parents or a professional organisation.

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