Label for host companies

Information and ordering options for cantonal vocational training offices


The host company label was introduced in French-speaking Switzerland in 1997. The national launch took place in 2004.

The label serves as both recognition and appreciation to the host companies for their commitment to vocational training. It is a good marketing tool: Companies that train apprentices can use the label to demonstrate this to their customers and business partners.

The round label is available in German, French, Italian, Romansh, English and as a bilingual version in French-German and available in three sizes (diameter 3.5 cm, 14 cm or 20 cm).

The State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation (SERI) finances and issues the label in partnership with the SDBB.

Use of labels

The label can be used in a variety of ways by host companies. It can be placed on the front door, shop window, letterbox, cash point, company car or anywhere it is seen by as many customers as possible. Many host companies also use the label in electronic form on their printed materials, on their website or in their email signature.

Obtaining and ordering the label

Electronic templates for the label
Ordering process for the cantons
Ordering process for host companies

Useful Documents

Label: english templates for host companies [ZIP, 5.4 MB]download