Host company
Apprenticeship training (also referred to as work-based training) is provided by host companies in both the private and public sector. In this respect, the companies must possess VET accreditation, which is issued by the competent cantonal authority. The conditions to be met by companies in order to be able to train apprentices are laid down in each VET ordinance. Some associations have drawn up lists of the requisite equipment and tools for both companies and supervisory authorities.
Host companies recruit learners and sign an apprenticeship contract with them. Learners work for the host company and carry out tasks. As a consequence, training apprentices is cost-effective. Studies prove that the work performed by apprentices exceeds on average (for all companies and occupations) the gross costs of apprenticeship training. The net profit depends on the occupation as well as on the size and training scheme within the host company. In some cases, apprenticeship training can result in a net loss for the host company (e.g. in large companies were expensive equipment is used to train apprentices in technical occupations).