Marketing of apprenticeship positions

The Confederation, cantons and professional organisations together ensure that sufficient apprenticeship positions are on offer.

The marketing of apprenticeship positions is partly handled by the cantons. The local cantonal VET offices have first-hand experience with what is happening in their region and are in contact with companies and professional organisations. As a consequence, they are able to best assess the number of apprenticeship positions on offer and take appropriate measures. They receive financial support from the Confederation.

The following are examples of measures taken to market apprenticeship positions:

  • information, image and advertising campaigns of the Confederation, cantons and professional organisations (e.g. host company label);
  • commitment of promoters of apprenticeship positions; they deal directly with companies and encourage them to create apprenticeship positions;
  • official lists of apprenticeship positions available (cantonal list of apprenticeship positions);
  • provision of placement services;
  • financial incentives from the Confederation and cantons for projects that promote apprenticeship positions (e.g. the constitution of host company networks).