Training logbook

The training logbook is intended to support apprenticeship training. Learners keep their training logbook up to date. They enter all the major work that they have accomplished as well as the competences and experience gained in the host company. Learners can then refer to their training logbook throughout their apprenticeship training. In addition, when the VET trainer consults the training logbook, he / she is able to determine what learners have accomplished and assess their level of interest and personal commitment.

The obligation to keep a training logbook is set forth in each VET ordinance. Learners must therefore have time set aside for this purpose during their working hours. The VET trainer checks and signs the training logbook on a regular basis.

The VET ordinance indicates whether the training logbook can be used during the final examination.

The SDBB publishes standard training logbooks that can be used in all branches. Various professional organisations also publish training logbooks that are specific to their branch. These may be obtained from the secretariat of the professional organisation, the VET school or branch training centre.

The training logbook is the main component of the training folder. This folder is intended to enable learners to keep all important documents concerning their apprenticeship together.