Training plan

Each VET programme is accompanied by a VET ordinance and corresponding training plan. The training plan is the teaching concept for the VET programme and is used to improve the overall quality of training. Each training plan is prepared by the professional organisation responsible for the given occupation and corresponding VET programme. Once a training plan has been drafted, it is then submitted to SERI for approval, at which time it becomes binding. Each training plan is comprised of the following elements:

In 2012, all of the legal aspects covered by each training plan were extracted and transferred to a corresponding VET ordinance. These were:

  • lessons table: specifies the amount of time devoted to individual subjects at the VET school;
  • branch courses: organisation, distribution and duration;
  • qualification procedures: indication of the competence areas to be tested;

These aspects can still be found in the training plans of VET programmes that have not yet been updated in accordance with SERI Guidelines for VET Ordinances, which were issued on 31 August 2012.

Training plans may be based on different means of presenting professional competences:

  • Professional competence model: the training plan specifies the professional competences to be acquired. These competences are broken down into professional competence areas, professional competences, situations and performance objectives.
  • Competences-resources (CoRe) model: Each technical competence is described by one or more situations. Resources are necessary to master each of the situations given. The professional competences are broken down into knowledge, skills and behaviour.

The existence of a training plan for each VET programme ensures that VET schools, host companies and branch training centres have a systematic means at their disposal to plan and complete training and instruction.

The apprenticeship training plan is used as the basis for the practical portion of the final examination for the occupation in question.

The three learning locations have the following means to complete training:

Host company

  • General outline for apprenticeship training (for many occupations, the training plan established for the VET programme serves as the planning tool)
    Prepared by professional organisation (training plan: prepared by the professional organisation, approved by SERI)
  • Host company’s apprenticeship training plan
    Prepared by the VET trainer
  • Individual apprenticeship training plan established for the learner
    Prepared by the VET trainer and the learner

VET school

  • General outline for classroom instruction
    Prepared by professional organisation in consultation with the VET schools
  • Syllabus
    Prepared by the VET school

Branch training centre

  • General outline for branch courses
    Prepared by professional organisation in consultation with the cantonal authorities and branch training centres
  • Detailed course schedule
    Prepared by branch course instructors