Vocational and professional qualifications

Depending on the VET programme, learners are awarded one of two vocational qualifications at the end of their VET programme:

  • Federal VET Certificate for a two-year VET programme;
  • Federal VET Diploma for a three- or four-year VET programme;

For example, young people who wish to become a gardener may enrol in a two-year programme, in which case they will be awarded the following qualification: “Gardener, Federal VET Certificate” (occupation no. 17018). Alternatively, they may prefer to attend a more challenging three-year programme instead, in which case they will be awarded the following qualification: “Gardener, Federal VET Diploma” (occupation no. 17000).

There is also an optional general education qualification available to young people who enrol in a three- or four-year programme for the Federal VET Diploma:

  • Federal Vocational Baccalaureate (FVB) (requires attendance of a special course comprised of academic subjects to prepare for the FVB examination).

There are two main pathways to obtaining tertiary-level professional qualifications:

  • Preparation for a Federal Professional Examination, e.g. to become a Building Custodian (profession no. 80241), or for an Advanced Federal Professional Examination, e.g. to become a Graphic Designer (profession no. 90331);
  • Attendance of a federally recognised study programme at a professional education institution (PEI), e.g. to become a Marketing Director (profession no. 84673)

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