
Certificates are prepared in order to have a record of the assessment of a learner's behaviour, skills and performance during a given period and at the end of the VET programme.

The VET school grades performance from 6 (best) to 1 (worst) at the end of each semester. Grades deemed to be unjustified may be appealed to the authority indicated by the canton. Likewise, any improper implementation of the final examination or examination assessments can be appealed to the authorities designated by the cantons.

We also talk about certificate in the broad sense of the word when we refer to the training report that is to be prepared each semester. This allows the VET trainer to take stock of the apprentice’s training and the progress achieved.

Apprentices take the final examination towards the end of their training. If their grades are sufficient, they are awarded the Federal VET Certificate for two-year VET programmes, the Federal VET Diploma for three- or four-year VET programmes or, where applicable, the Federal Vocational Baccalaureate (FVB). If the examination has not been conducted in line with the recommendations or if the grades obtained are deemed to be unjustified, an appeal may be lodged with the authority indicated by the canton.

At the end of the VET programme, the host company is required to provide the learner with an employment certificate or an apprenticeship certificate. The said document must indicate the occupation learnt, the type of work and the duration of apprenticeship training. Generally speaking, it also contains information on the skills, performance and behaviour of the apprentice.

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