
In accordance with VPETA, performance during classroom instruction at the VET school and during the qualification procedure is expressed in whole or half integers. The highest grade is 6 and the lowest 1. Grades are generally subject to appeal. Information concerning the appeal procedures is given with the grades.

Each VET ordinance indicates which grades from the three learning locations (i.e. VET school, host company and branch training centre) are to be taken into account to calculate the performance grade. This grade corresponds to the arithmetic average of the grades chosen for this purpose and corresponds to a position in the calculation of the overall grade. The performance grade forms part of the overall grade.

In theory, each of the three learning locations can assign a performance grade. Depending on the provisions of the VET ordinance, the performance grade can be comprised of one single grade or stem from performance grades given by two or three learning locations. A single performance grade is rounded to the nearest whole or half integer. If it is comprised of grades from two or three learning locations, the average grade is rounded to the nearest decimal point. Depending on the case, the performance grade corresponds to the average of the grades obtained from classroom instruction in vocational subjects, from apprenticeship training and from branch courses.

The overall grade corresponds to the average (rounded to the nearest decimal point) of the grades given for the various competence areas of the final examination and the performance grade. The ordinance indicates the competence areas that are to be taken into consideration for the calculation of the overall grade and their weighting.

Persons who obtain the passing grades stipulated in the VET ordinance for the given occupation are awarded the Federal VET Certificate (two-year qualification) or the Federal VET Diploma (three-year or four-year qualification) and will receive a grades certificate. The Federal VET Certificate, the Federal VET Diploma and the grades certificate are prepared by the authority responsible for the examinations.