Basic vocational education and training
Federal VET Certificate, Federal VET Diploma and Federal Vocational Baccalaureate
Basic vocational education and training imparts the skills and abilities that are needed in working life. It usually takes place in a host company, in a vocational school and through inter-company courses. Basic vocational education and training is governed by an education ordinance and a vocational training plan and is concluded with a qualification process. It leads to a federally recognised professional qualification that entitles participants to participate in advanced professional education and training programmes.
This two-year basic vocational education and training programme is aimed at apprentices who are gifted in practical skills but do not thrive academically. The programme leads to a Federal VET Certificate and can be extended or shortened as required. Following the two-year basic vocational education and training, a three- or four-year basic vocational education and training course can be completed. This second training programme can be completed in a shortened form, depending on the professional field and options available.
Information sheet 15: Merkblatt 15: Two-year basic vocational education and training with a Federal VET Certificate Zweijährige berufliche Grundbildung mit eidgenössischem Berufsattest (EBA)
This three- or four-year basic vocational education and training programme leads to a Federal VET Diploma. This provides access to advanced professional education and training programmes. If individuals perform well at school, basic education can be supplemented by a Federal Vocational Baccalaureate. The three- or four-year basic vocational education and training programme can be extended or shortened as required.
Information sheet 16: Merkblatt 16: Three or four years of basic vocational education and training with a Federal VET Diploma Drei- oder vierjährige berufliche Grundbildung mit eidgenössischem Fähigkeitszeugnis
The Federal Vocational Baccalaureate supplements basic vocational education and training resulting in a Federal VET Diploma with extended general education; it is concluded with the vocational baccalaureate examination. The Federal Vocational Baccalaureate can be completed during basic education and training (BM1) or afterwards (BM2).
Holders of a federal vocational baccalaureate certificate can study at a university of applied sciences in a field of study related to their profession without needing to take an examination. Taking a supplementary examination (passerelle), also opens up access to tier-one universities.
Leaflet 10: Merkblatt 10: Federal Vocational Baccalaureate Berufsmaturität
School-based basic education SOG
In some professions, basic vocational education and training takes place as part of a full-time academic programme. This can be through a public offering such as an apprenticeship workshop, a commercial secondary school (HMS) or an IT secondary school (IMS).
Individuals attending a full-time school programme (with the exception of apprenticeship workshops) complete an internship during the period of vocational education and training in which practical skills are taught. School-based basic education also leads to a federal qualification.
For the implementation of SOG in the cantons, the SBBK has issued various recommendations for the profession of business administration assistant