Vocational education and training in Switzerland

System and importance of vocational education and training

The Swiss education system, which also includes vocational education and training, is characterised by its high degree of permeability. After basic vocational education and training has been completed, during their working life a person can also complete tertiary-level VET programmes, various forms of continuing professional education and training and change professions. The vocational baccalaureate also opens the way to universities of applied sciences and to Swiss universities. Basic vocational education and training thus forms a solid foundation for professional careers and lifelong learning.

Vocational education and training covers a wide range of training opportunities. There are around 240 different federally regulated vocational education and training programmes. They last two, three or four years and are geared towards the different abilities and competencies of the apprentices.

Basic vocational education and training follows on from compulsory schooling. It serves to impart and ensure the acquisition of the knowledge, skills and attitudes required for carrying out a profession. Apprentices are trained in three areas throughout vocational education and training: In-company experience, in inter-company courses and in general education and vocational tuition.

Das Berufsbildungssystem: Einfache Darstellung
The Swiss education system: The graphic shows the key educational pathways in Switzerland.

Special features of the system

The three learning locations
Permeability and further training
Swiss vocational education and training in a European context

Questions and Answers

FAQWho pays the costs incurred for inter-company courses? Expand
FAQWhat do vocational education and training ordinances and education plans regulate? Expand
FAQWhat do the inter-company courses provide? Expand
FAQIs it possible to achieve the Federal Vocational Baccalaureate after completing basic vocational education and training? Expand
FAQIs it possible to extend the duration of basic vocational education and training? Expand