Financing vocational training

The federal government contributes 25% of the public sector costs for vocational education and training. The majority of the federal lump-sum allowance is paid for services under Art. 53 para. 2 VPETA . The amount of these lump sums is based on the number of basic education courses per canton. The cantons pass these contributions on to third parties insofar as they are entrusted with the aforementioned services.

The rest of the contribution is made by the federal government:

  • Cantons and third parties for the financing of projects for the development of vocational education and training and quality development (VPETA Art. 54 );
  • Cantons and third parties for special services in the public interest (VPETA Art. 55 );
  • Third parties for the conduct of federal VET Diploma examinations and Federal Advanced Professional Diploma examinations as well as courses offered by professional organisations (VPETA Art. 56 ).

Financing vocational education and training

Finanzierung Berufliche Grundbildung: Leistungen und Träger
Die verschiedenen Kostenträger der beruflichen Grundbildung.

Financing continuing education

Finanzierung der Weiterbildung: Leistungen und Träger
Die verschiedenen Kostenträger der Weiterbildung.


Distribution of financing

Cantonal Part 1
Cantonal Part 2
Fees for federal examinations
Contributions to professional education institutions
Contributions for innovation and special services