Instruction in language, communication and society (LCS)

Instruction in language, communication and society (LCS) falls within the overall framework of upper-secondary level VET programmes and is focused on the apprentices’ experience. LCS instruction should enable them to gain access to the labour market, remain employed and become part of society. Fostering linguistic, personal, social and methodological competences is at the heart of LCS instruction in VET schools and is intended to accompany development of professional competences.

For the purposes of the Vocational and Professional Education and Training Act (VPETA), LCS instruction applies to all areas of VET programmes. The scope of application also includes two-year VET programmes for the Federal VET Certificate.

LCS instruction in VET programmes is governed by Art. 15 VPETA and Art. 19 VPETO. The SERI Ordinance on Minimum Requirements for Language, Communication and Society Instruction in VET Programmes (OCMCG, SR 412.101.241) as well as the Core Syllabus for Language, Communication and Society Instruction at VET schools (Core-LCS) are both based on the two aforementioned legal instruments.

The Core-LCS includes two learning areas that are each broken down into several objectives and aspects:

  • Language and Communication
  • Society (culture, law, ecology, economics, ethics, identity and socialisation, politics and technology).

In addition, the Core-LCS determines how LCS instruction takes place in VET schools. The VET school syllabus indicates how LCS instruction is to be provided, which topics will be covered, the competences to be acquired and the qualification procedure for the final examination. The “language, communication and society (LCS)” competence area is part of the final examination and includes – for three and four-year VET programmes – the following partial areas: school grades, personal in-depth work and final examination. For two-year VET programmes, it involves school grades and the personal in-depth work.

LCS instruction is organised into topics and does not follow a logic that is specific to a particular subject. In other words, the topics refer to the learners’ personal, career and social experience. The specific content (e.g. legal aspects) are often dealt with using concrete situations that apprentices may actually experience on a daily basis. This approach enables them to develop their professional competences.

LCS instruction acquired in a formal or informal manner also may be taken into account in accordance with the provisions of the Vocational and Professional Education and Training Act (VPETA). Adults thus have access to the Federal VET Certificate or Federal VET Diploma examinations.

Preparatory courses for the Federal Vocational Baccalaureate (FVB) cover academic subjects that are linked to the given VET programme for the Federal VET Diploma.