Supporting measures
Case management, compensation for disadvantages, individual support and fact sheets
Various types of difficulties can arise during training. These may include learning disabilities, personal challenges or social difficulties. This is why there are various supporting measures that can be taken during basic vocational education and training.
Supporting measures
Compensation for disadvantages
Expert individual support in basic vocational education and training with Federal VET Certificate
Vocational education and training case management
Individual proof of competence
Information fact sheet series “Equal Opportunities and Fair Treatment”
The “Equal Opportunities and Fair Treatment” series of fact sheets contains key important information on individual topics such as dyslexia and dyscalculia, bullying and violence, and how to recognise signs at an early stage.
Merkblatt 212: Datenschutz und Persönlichkeitsschutz [PDF, 78.49 KB]
Merkblatt 211: Depression und Suizidgefährdung [PDF, 77 KB]
Merkblatt 201: Gewalt [PDF, 67.61 KB]
Merkblatt 202: Gleichstellung [PDF, 52.41 KB]
Merkblatt 214: Körperhygiene – saubere Kleidung [PDF, 80.7 KB]
Merkblatt 203: Krankheit und Unfall [PDF, 88.58 KB]
Merkblatt 204: Legasthenie und Dyskalkulie [PDF, 62.85 KB]
Merkblatt 205: Migration [PDF, 97.92 KB]
Merkblatt 206: Mobbing [PDF, 63.82 KB]
Merkblatt 213: Nachteilsausgleich für Menschen mit Behinderung in der Berufsbildung [PDF, 67.66 KB]
Merkblatt 207: Rassismus [PDF, 61.09 KB]
Merkblatt 208: Schwangerschaft und Mutterschaft [PDF, 64.11 KB]
Merkblatt 209: Sexuelle Belästigung [PDF, 56.47 KB]
Merkblatt 210: Sucht [PDF, 62.84 KB]
Interesting links
Source: Teaser image of the “Supporting measures” page by Rémi Walle via Unsplash