Case management for learners at risk of dropping out of VET programmes

Case management is a structured procedure that applies adequate measures to young people whose access to the labour market may be seriously compromised. The target group is comprised of adolescents from the 7th year of schooling (i.e. 9th year of schooling based on the intercantonal agreement to harmonise compulsory education) and young adults under the age of 25,. It enables the various players to coordinate their activities beyond institutional and professional boundaries and even after the period when the young people choose an occupation and are enrolled in a VET programme. Case management provides seamless support in a young person's life from compulsory education to employment.

Case management should prevent young people from prematurely discontinuing their training. It should enable them to complete initial post-compulsory education and training and help to integrate them professionally. This particularly consists in:

  • helping young people at risk to become more responsible for their decisions,
  • increasing effectiveness by coordinating the work of all the interested parties, including young people.

Support may prove necessary during the period when young people choose an occupation, during the transition from compulsory education to vocational education and training (Transition I), during the VET programme and when they start working (Transition II). Case management may also be applied to young adults who have no upper-secondary level qualifications.

The cantons are responsible for implementing the case management project, which was developed jointly by the Confederation and the cantons.