Legal protection

The State allows citizens to assert their rights (legal protection standards) if they feel that they have been unfavourably treated compared to other citizens or by the State itself. In this respect, it is appropriate to mention here the following elements concerning working relationships:

  • If there are differences of opinion concerning the apprenticeship contract, the parties have the possibility of sending a complaint to the civil courts (see the section entitled “Employment tribunal”).
  • If federal or cantonal provisions on employment and vocational and professional education and training include an obligation for the host company or learner, the other contracting party has in numerous cases the right to file a complaint with the employment tribunal as if the said obligation had been agreed in the apprenticeship contract (e.g. ban on salary deductions to attend optional courses during working hours).
  • Finally, it is possible to appeal decisions from the cantonal or federal authorities responsible for implementing legislation on vocational and professional education and training as well as worker protection legislation (e.?g. non-compliance with legal working hours, non-compliance with the regulatory provisions governing the final examination, etc.).

However, before using legal means, the people involved should seek to resolve the conflict through discussion. Various bodies can provide assistance and advice: the cantonal VET office and regional employment centre, office of the clerk at employment tribunals, secretariats of trade associations, labour inspectorates, etc.

Additional Information

Cantonal legislation

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