
An administrative decision is the unilateral embodiment of the will of a competent authority to apply the law to a given person in a given situation, and which is binding on that person.

Examples of official decisions: granting or denying VET accreditation, approval of an apprenticeship contract, revocation of VET accreditation, issuance of a Federal VET Diploma, etc.

As decisions require citizens to behave or act in a certain manner or affect their rights in another manner, they must comply with certain formats and conditions. All decisions should have a legal basis.

The decision must comply with formal terms and conditions, and in particular:

  • written notification (the decisions must be sent in writing);
  • the article of the act on which the decision is based must be mentioned;
  • justification if the decision or the decision taken on appeal does not correspond with or does not entirely correspond to the application;
  • indication of the appeal procedure (with the deadlines and the authority to which the decision can be contested).

In practice, straightforward administrative decisions, based on legal bases, are sent by letter: for example if the application is accepted in full. Particular attention must be paid to the formal conditions when an application is rejected. If the decision is sent by letter, it must always indicate that the applicant may appeal the decision.