Learner’s rights and obligations

Learners have the same rights and obligations as other workers. There are nevertheless certain differences and exceptions that are due to the specific nature of the apprenticeship contract.

The most important obligations for apprentices include:

  • Apprentices are bound to do their utmost to reach their training objectives. They must comply with the VET trainer’s instructions, conscientiously carry out the tasks with which they are entrusted and observe professional secrecy.
  • Learners must attend classes at the VET school in accordance with the training plan for their occupation and attend compulsory branch courses.

The apprentice’s main rights are as follows:

  • right to full training provided in line with good practice
  • right to attend optional courses or remedial courses representing half a day per week, provided that the prior conditions have been met at the host company and VET school
  • right to be consulted in the host company and at the VET school
  • right to a salary including during attendance of vocational instruction and branch courses, optional courses or remedial courses provided they are organised during working hours
  • 5 weeks’ holiday leave per year until they reach the age of 20

At the start of the VET programme, the host company and VET school explain to the apprentice what his?/?her rights and obligations are.

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