Optional courses

VET schools offer optional courses as a complement to classroom instruction. Optional courses concern both the instruction of vocational subjects and instruction in language, communication and society (LCS).

Optional courses are available during working hours and free time. Learners who perform well both in the host company and at the VET school may attend these optional courses. They may attend these courses during their working hours up to half a day per week without any reduction whatsoever in their salary. Attendance of these courses is decided in agreement with the company. If there is disagreement, it is the canton that decides.

Attendance of optional courses is ideally decided during a meeting between the VET trainer and the apprentice. The VET school provides information on the courses on offer and advises learners on the choice of the optional courses.

Numerous VET trainers acknowledge the positive effect that attendance of these optional courses has on learner motivation and performance in the host company.