Assessment of learning progress

An assessment of learning progress may be prepared in accordance with Art. 19, para. 2 VPETA and Art. 12, para. 1 VPETO. It is also stipulated in the VET ordinance drafted for each occupation. Like an indicator, this assessment determines how training will be conducted thereafter. It does not replace training reports.

Since they are prepared at specific intervals, assessments provide an indication of the status of training as determined by documents concerning apprenticeship training and classroom instruction. The results are forwarded to the contracting parties in the form of recommendations along the following lines:

  • continuation of the VET programme;
  • continuation of the VET programme and possibility of attending optional courses;
  • continuation of the VET programme and attendance of remedial courses;
  • continuation of the VET programme at another level;
  • extension of the duration of the VET programme;
  • reduction of the duration of the VET programme;
  • termination of the apprenticeship contract for three- or four-year VET programme for the Federal VET Diploma and signing of a contract for two-year VET programmes for the Federal VET Certificate;
  • termination of the apprenticeship contract.