Job-related continuing education and training (CET)

Job-related continuing education and training (CET) enables qualified persons to adapt their professional background to technical, economic and social developments as well as to broaden and enrich their general knowledge. The aim is also to improve their career prospects and in particular their career mobility. Various institutions (private and public schools, companies and associations) offer job-related continuing education and training (CET) courses. The Confederation and the cantons may provide subsidies and other support to organisations that offer job-related continuing education and training (CET).

Job-related continuing education and training (CET) can be pursued both after completion of upper-secondary level VET programmes and after completion of tertiary-level professional education.

It is regulated by the Vocational and Professional Education and Training Act (VPETA). The cantons ensure that there is an adequate supply of job-related CET courses to satisfy demand. At cantonal level, job-related CET is regulated by cantonal legislation based on VPETA