School-based education programme
A school-based education programme is part of basic education at school (SOG). These courses take place mainly in educational institutions, such as training workshops, commercial schools or other recognised schools. These schools must have a permit from the canton in order to offer this education. The canton checks in advance whether the training aligns with the demands of the world of work.
The school and the apprentice conclude an apprenticeship contract. The canton may also set additional admission criteria.
Some vocational education and training ordinances also contain SOG rules. It is important that the skills are acquired, the duration of the training is adhered to and the connection to the world of work is established. There is often also an internship at a company outside the school, which is governed by an internship contract. The school is responsible for ensuring that the internship is of good quality.
A school-based education programme is particularly suitable for adults with special needs, as their needs can be addressed individually in the school setting.