Swiss Conference of Cantonal Ministers of Education (EDK)

In Switzerland, education and culture mainly falls within the purview of the cantons, which coordinate their activities at the national level within a political body: the Swiss Conference of Cantonal Ministers of Education (EDK). This body is comprised of 26 counsellors and state counsellors in charge of education.

Several intercantonal institutions and bodies, which work at the national level, are attached to the EDK. This ensures coordinated implementation of the work conducted in various specific areas. In the field of vocational and professional education and training (VPET) these institutions are (in alphabetical order):

Information and Documentation Centre (IDES)
The Information and Documentation Centre (IDES) systematically lists and makes available the information and documents relating to the Swiss education system.

Intercantonal Conference on Continuing Education and Training (IKW)
The Intercantonal Conference on Continuing Education and Training (IKW) advises the EDK in matters pertaining to continuing education and training (CET). It also implements and coordinates the decisions of the EDK and facilitates exchanges between cantons. Its main purpose is to promote greater awareness of lifelong learning possibilities and supports measures in this direction. It ensures that experiences are exchanged and that the cantons and linguistic regions work together.

Swiss Service Centre for Vocational Education and Training | Vocational, Educational and Career Guidance (SDBB)
The Swiss Service Centre for Vocational Education and Training | Vocational, Educational and Career Guidance (SDBB) is an institution of the Swiss Conference of Cantonal Ministers of Education (EDK). The SDBB provides services in fields that fall within the remit of the cantons by virtue of the Federal Vocational and Professional Education and Training Act (VPETA, SR 412.10). The SDBB is responsible for implementation and development tasks and ensures intercantonal cooperation in relation to VET services as well as vocational, educational and career guidance; it creates synergies between the two.

The SDBB is mainly responsible for the following:

  • production of media for vocational education and training (VET) as well as for vocational, educational and career guidance;
  • finalising documents for qualification procedures (final examinations);
  • helping to ensure continuing training of vocational, educational and career guidance counsellors, VET trainers (at host companies) and branch course instructors (at branch training centres).

Swiss Conference of Directors of Vocational, Educational and Career Guidance Offices (KBSB)
The Swiss Conference of Directors of Vocational, Educational and Career Guidance Offices (KBSB) is a specialised conference of the EDK. It handles all matters pertaining to vocational, educational and career guidance.


  • represents vocational, educational and career guidance bodies in their dealings with the EDK, federal agencies as well as other institutions and bodies at both national and international level;
  • ensures that information and experiences are exchanged between the directors of vocational, educational and career guidance services;
  • ensures continuous quality improvement.

Swiss Conference of VET Offices (SBBK)
The Swiss Conference of VET Offices (SBBK) brings together the managers of cantonal offices responsible for upper-secondary level vocational education and training (VET) in Switzerland and in the Principality of Liechtenstein. The SBBK is a specialised conference of the EDK.


  • constitutes a national platform for the exchange of information and experiences between the managers of the competent cantonal offices on matters concerning vocational and education and training (VET),
  • supports and encourages nationwide development of Swiss VET programmes and pursues intercantonal cooperation and coordination on matters pertaining to the Swiss VET sector,
  • renders services in relation to implementation of federal legislation and drafts recommendations for the cantons,
  • carries out the missions of the EDK, advises it on matters concerning vocational and professional education and training and prepares position papers,
  • works to encourage international cooperation in the field of vocational and professional education and training,
  • encourages contacts between Swiss VET actors and the labour market as well as between the VET sector and the general education sector within the Swiss education system.

The SBBK replaced two predecessor organisations in 2007, the first CRFP (for French- and Italian-speaking regions of Switzerland) and DBK (for the German-speaking region of Switzerland)