Pre-vocational traineeship

Pre-vocational traineeships allow young people to become acquainted with a given occupation and company. It is often part of the selection procedure. The purpose of the traineeship is to ascertain whether the candidate or candidates are capable of fitting into the company, if they like the working environment and if VET trainers and the candidate can work together irrespective of the skills required for the occupation in question. The pre-vocational traineeship can take place from the 8th year/10th HarmoS of compulsory education; its duration varies from one to several days. To ensure that these traineeships are successful, they must be carefully prepared and a programme listing the requirements of the occupation must be drawn up.

During the phase that precedes the selection of apprentices, the pre-vocational traineeship is also a means of obtaining more information. In other words, young people can take part in these information days and thus obtain a first impression of a particular occupation.

Normally, no salary is paid for the pre-vocational traineeship. In certain cases, VET trainers provide a brief written report that the candidate can then include in their application file. Sometimes, the young people can even take the work they have personally completed back home.

In accordance with the provisions of the Employment Act, young people over the age of 13 who have not completed their compulsory education may be employed within the scope of programmes that are organised for vocational guidance purposes. The working hours must not exceed 8 hours per day or 40 hours per week. The duration of a pre-vocational traineeship is limited to two weeks.