Loss or damage
Material damage means the involuntary deterioration of property. It includes:
- a loss of assets
- an increase in liabilities
- a loss of earnings
The obligation to remedy the damage stems from contractual or extra-contractual liability or from the non-performance of a contract by either party.
With regard to upper-secondary level vocational education and training (VET), the following situations may lead to a claim for damages:
- non-commencement of the VET programme / departure from the VET programme (and as a consequence for example expenses incurred by the host company to recruit a new learner)
- refusal of the apprenticeship position promised (e.?g. loss of a year of training for the apprentice)
- loss or damage caused, within the framework of the VET programme, through the fault of either party (e.?g. the apprentice is injured by machinery or the apprentice damages the host company’s car)
- termination without reasonable cause of the apprenticeship contract
- negligence in the duty to train
Claims for damages must be lodged with a civil court or with an employment tribunal.
Legal Basis