Funding of vocational and professional education and training (VPET)

The Confederation, cantons and professional organisations contribute funding for upper-secondary level vocational education and training (VET) and tertiary-level professional education. Individuals and companies are generally responsible for paying professional education and job-related continuing education and training (CET).

Public authorities
The cantons, which are in charge of implementing VET programmes, provide most of the financing (approximately three-fourths of the costs). Since the Vocational and Professional Education and Training Act (VPETA, SR 412.10) came into force in 2002, the Confederation has increased its share to one-fourth of public expenditures for vocational education and training (VET). Ten per cent of subsidies are granted to projects that foster vocational education and training and specific activities that serve the public interest.

Professional organisations
With their training offers, professional organisations also contribute to funding VET programmes: they carry out field work, manage their own training institutions and advertise the occupations that are to be found in their field of activity. They develop branch courses.

Host companies
VET programmes are generally cost-effective for companies. According to a survey that was carried out in 2004, the gross costs of apprenticeship training represented CHF 4.7 billion compared to CHF 5.2 billion that learners generated for the host company through productive output.