Competence records

A competence record reflects the learner's level of knowledge and skills at a given time.

At the end of each semester, the host company establishes the level reached by the learner and prepares a training report. The VET trainer documents the learner's performance in the form of competence records. Providers of branch courses also document the learner’s performance in the form of competence records. In some occupations, grades are awarded for apprenticeship training and certain branch courses. These grades are taken into account to calculate the performance grade.

Competence records also apply to two-year VET programmes for the Federal VET Certificate. According to the SERI handbook on the matter, those who are not awarded the Federal VET Certificate after repeating the qualification procedure are entitled to request that their individual competencies be taken into account. The professional competencies that are laid down in the training plan of the occupation in question are decisive here.

The Swiss Conference of VET Offices (SBBK) issues a neutral form “recognition of competences” that is applicable throughout Switzerland. The competent professional organisation can print its logo on this form. The host company will prepare and sign the “statement” of competences acquired by the learner.