Maternity insurance

Maternity insurance allows women in gainful employment or in apprenticeships to take paid leave after the birth of their child. This is also the case if they have been regularly employed but at the time of the birth do not receive a salary because they have ceased their professional activity.

The employee (or the apprentice) is entitled to receive maternity benefits if she was insured pursuant to the Federal Act of 20 December 1946 on the Old-Age and Survivors Insurance (OASIA, SR 831.10) during the nine months that immediately preceded the birth and was in gainful employment for at least five months during this period. It is irrelevant whether the mother returns to gainful employment or not after maternity leave.

Unemployed mothers who receive unemployment benefits when their baby is born are also entitled to paid maternity leave. The same provision applies to women who are unable to work due to illness or injury and who received insurance benefits (illness, accident or disability). The maternity benefits thus replace these insurance benefits.

Entitlement to benefits begins on the day of the birth and ceases at the latest 14 weeks later. If the mother returns to gainful full-time or part-time employment during this period, the entitlement comes to an end in advance. If the infant needs to spend a long period of time in the hospital, the mother may request that the entitlement to benefits only begin when the child leaves the hospital and goes home. The maternity allowance is not paid automatically. The employer must fill in the application form and send it to the OSI fund.