Holiday leave

Learners and young workers under the age of 20 are entitled to a minimum of 5 weeks' paid holiday leave per year. Paid public holidays, official rest days and replacement rest days, leave that is granted for important reasons and youth leave are not considered as holiday leave. After the age of 20, the minimum entitlement to holiday leave is equivalent to 4 weeks. However, if the apprenticeship contract provides for 5 weeks' holiday leave or more throughout the duration of the apprenticeship, the apprentice is entitled to the full holiday leave as stipulated in the contract even if they are over 20. As far as learners are concerned, entitlement to holiday leave is calculated per apprenticeship year and not per calendar year.

Taking of holiday leave: The holiday leave must be taken if possible during the year that corresponds to the VET programme. However, apprentices are entitled to a minimum of two consecutive weeks' holiday leave. The host company decides when the holiday leave should be taken but it takes into account the apprentice's wishes provided this is compatible with the interests of the company and does not prevent the apprentice from attending the VET school.

If holiday leave is taken outside of school holidays, the learners are required to attend vocational instruction. The days spent at the VET school are considered to be working days.

Financial compensation: during the apprenticeship, holiday leave cannot be compensated for by monetary payments or other benefits.

Exception: early termination of the apprenticeship contract.

Reduction in salary: If, during the holiday leave, the apprentice carries out remunerated work for a third party and infringes the lawful interests of the host company, the latter can decide not to pay the salary during the holiday leave or ask for already paid amounts to be refunded.

Reduction in holiday leave: If the apprentice is prevented from completing work for no fault of his?/?her own (e.?g. due to illness, injury or military service), the holiday leave may be reduced by a twelfth if the said period of incapacity lasts for two full months, by two-twelfths if the said period of incapacity last for three months, and so on. In the event of a pregnancy or childbirth, holiday leave can only be reduced by a twelfth if the period of incapacity lasts for three full months. Arrangements that are more favourable in an individual contract or provided for in a collective employment agreement shall apply.

If the apprentice is prevented from working for reasons attributable to him?/?her, the holiday leave may be reduced by a twelfth if the said period of incapacity lasts for a full month, by two twelfths if it lasts for two full months, etc. Holiday leave that the learner has not been able to take due to illness or injury must be granted afterwards provided that the period of incapacity has been justified (e.?g. by a medical certificate).