Dyslexia and dyscalculia
Dyslexia is the term used internationally to talk about reading and spelling difficulties. We also talk about difficulties in acquiring written language.
Dyscalculia refers to difficulties in learning how to perform arithmetic operations, in linking written and spoken numbers or with mathematical reasoning. We also talk about learning disabilities in mathematics.
Apprentices who have learning difficulties may attend remedial courses offered by VET schools. It is also possible in the case of dyslexia and dyscalculia to request alternative arrangements to level out disadvantages both at the VET school and in the final examination. Such requests may be submitted to the cantonal VET office no later than when the learner has registered for the final examination and must include the necessary supporting documents (letter from special needs teachers, medical certificate, etc.).
Additional Information
Nachteilsausgleich für Menschen mit Behinderung in der Berufsbildung, 2015 (www.shop.sdbb.ch )