Breaks (during working hours)

Breaks are periods that are provided by the company when workers stop working. Their goal is to give workers physical and mental rest to enable them to maintain their concentration and ability to perform. Breaks form an essential part of safety at the workplace.

In accordance with the Employment Act (EmpA), the minimum break is of a quarter of an hour if the work lasts for 5.5 consecutive hours. If the working day is between 7 and 9 hours, the employer must grant a break of at least half an hour. In addition, breaks are counted as working hours if the apprentices or workers cannot leave their workplace.

In practice, in addition to the lunchtime break − which must last for at least 45 minutes to provide an adequate rest period − there are breaks in the morning and afternoon in numerous occupations and occupational fields. The duration of these morning and afternoon breaks is decided by the company and sometimes stipulated in the contract. These breaks are a good thing for growing young people.