Accident insurance

In the same way as other workers in Switzerland, apprentices, trainees and volunteer workers must be insured against the financial consequences of occupational and non-occupational accidents, and occupational diseases in accordance with the Accident Insurance Act (AIA, SR 832.20). Pre-apprenticeship workers also benefit from such insurance coverage.

Learners who work in companies affiliated with SUVA are insured with the said fund. Other companies must insure their employees with a private insurance company that is recognised by the Confederation, with health insurance or with official accident insurance. If there is no insurance coverage due to the employer’s negligence, a “supplemental fund” provides such employees with their legal entitlements. The said fund then brings legal action against the said employer for the amounts paid and may also request an additional amount.

The premium for compulsory occupational accident and occupational disease insurance is paid by the employer. The premium for compulsory non-occupational accident insurance is paid by the employee provided such insurance is not paid by the employer.

Compulsory accident insurance includes health care (e.g. medical and pharmaceutical costs), refund of the costs paid (e.g. transport and rescue) as well as financial allowances (e.g. daily allowances or disability pension). The right to receive daily allowances starts on the third day after the accident. During the first three days – including the day of the accident – the Swiss Code of Obligations (CO, SR 220) requires the employer to pay at least four-fifths of the salary.